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BTC Mining Fund
Coming Soon

BTC Mining Fund





About Bitcoin Mining Fund

Bitcoin Mining Fund / Pool Review 

(recording of the webinar)



Bitcoin Mining Fund/Pool is an investment fund that specializes in bitcoin mining with regular returns. Our fund offers investors an opportunity to earn income from mining without the complexity and cost of mining themselves.


Starting Your Mining Journey 

(slides for each block) 

Invest 500$=16 TH 

Expected ROI is 36%. 
Expected payout in BTC per day is 0.42$. 
Expected payment in BTC per month is 12.57$ - you need 100$. 
Expected payout for the year in BTC is 218,406. 
The partner gives bitcoins - we give clients BTC - 
*Conversion is possible once per period (1 time per period or a certain amount). 

The current BTC exchange rate. 

Interactive chart available to show approximate expected returns based on the investment amount

Reasons to Invest in Mining

Cryptocurrency investments offer a reliable growth potential similar to traditional investments. Mining offers several unique advantages:

1. High rate of return on capital
2. Market predictability
3. Numerous applications of blockchain technology
4. No deep expertise required for investors

Comparative ROI in 2022:

In 2022, bitcoin overtook traditional investment projects in terms of return on invested capital. Real estate showed an ROI of 10%, while startups and stocks showed 25% and 30% respectively. This is due to the high volatility of bitcoin and the direct dependence of mining costs on its price. The lower the price of cryptocurrency, the lower the mining cost and the faster the ROI.In other words, investing in mining equipment at the bottom allows you to extract a large amount of cryptocurrency and recover investments multiple times as bitcoin grows.

Comparative ROI in 2022:
- Bitcoin mining outperformed traditional investments.
- Real estate ROI: 10%
- Startups and stocks ROI: 25% and 30% respectively
- Bitcoin’s high volatility and direct mining cost dependency provide rapid ROI.


Advantages of the Bitcoin Mining Fund by Regolith

Photo with the Regolith logo on equipment. 


Recently, halving occurred on the Bitcoin network, making independent bitcoin mining more difficult and less profitable. However, our fund offers a unique opportunity to continue receiving stable income from mining even after halving. 

That's why we should choose our fund: 

Stable income in post-halving conditions. After halving, independent mining has become less profitable, but we continue providing stable income thanks to our scale. We work with the largest and most advanced mining farms to ensure high efficiency in bitcoin mining.

High energy efficiency: our partners use the most advanced technologies and equipment, which helps us reduce energy costs and increase overall profitability. 

Bitcoin value growth: with increasing mining difficulty and decreasing block rewards, Bitcoin's value is expected to increase. 

Long-term potential: bitcoin remains the most popular and trustworthy cryptocurrency, with steady growth and demand. 

Investing in mining is a way to generate real passive income, as those who do not need to buy equipment that becomes ineffective over time can invest in a fund that takes care of maintenance and updates. ASICs have a high rate of return on investment, and the return rate is significantly faster than that of more traditional investments.


Regolith Bitcoin Mining Fund offers a unique opportunity for investors to gain access to the profitable and growing bitcoin mining market. The use of the latest technologies and cooperation with the largest farms in the world ensure high profitability and minimal risks. 

Invest with Regolith and reach new financial heights 🚀🚀🚀 


Strategic Investment Timing:
Investing in mining equipment during low cryptocurrency prices allows for substantial extraction and higher returns as Bitcoin’s value increases.

Advantages of the Regolith Bitcoin Mining Fund:
- Stable Income: Even post-halving, we provide stable income due to our scale.
- Advanced Mining Farms: We partner with the largest, most advanced farms for high efficiency.
- Energy Efficiency: Utilization of the latest technologies reduces energy costs and increases profitability.
- Bitcoin Value Growth: Mining difficulty and block reward reductions lead to anticipated value growth.
- Long-term Potential: Bitcoin remains the most popular and trustworthy cryptocurrency with consistent demand.

Investing with Regolith:
Investing in our fund allows you to generate passive income without purchasing equipment that can become obsolete. ASICs provide a high return rate, significantly faster than traditional investments.

Regolith’s Unique Opportunities:
Our fund grants investors access to the lucrative bitcoin mining market, leveraging the latest technologies and large-scale operations for high profitability and minimal risks. Invest with Regolith and reach new financial heights! 🚀🚀


Features of Fund Inflow and Outflow

  • Regolith distributes profits to investors monthly, in the form of dividends
  • New or additional investments into the fund are allowed a maximum of 2 times per month, at the times of profit distribution.
  • Withdrawal of full or partial investment is allowed a maximum of 2 times a month, at the times of profit distribution.
Formation date April 2024
Deal fee 0%
Exit fee 0%
Carried interest 30%